Wednesday 24 November 2010

Reader Profiles of Music Magazines

NME Reader Profile
The NME reader research suggests that readers rely on the magazine to keep them up to date with the new music. This makes the NME the authority in music for their peer group. Stats show that the average age of a NME reader is 23 and 74% of these are males. On top of this, 42% of the readers are students. The NME readers enjoy to watch films and buy the latest DVD's each month.

Mixmag Reader Profile
Mixmag's reader profile are said to be always listening to the newest songs first and wearing the latest fashion. They know the latest DJ's and tend to have the latest mobiles for communicating and socialising. The average age of a Mixmag reader is 26, and again the audience is mostly male at 72%. The readers tend to be single. The readers have a lot of disposable income and spend their money mostly on nights out, clothes and music.

My magazine audience will be students of the age 16+, who enjoy music and like to know the newest stuff out there. My magazine will appeal to both genders, but may be more relevant to males, as I can see they generally read the type of magazine I would like to produce the most. They will like to keep up with fashion and shop in shops that are well known. They will enjoy music and listen to it as much as they can. Students generally enjoy keeping with the trends and technology. They will also attend a few gigs/concerts. My audience's main priorities and intrests will be friends, family, going out to concerts/gigs, fashion and music.

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