Thursday, 7 October 2010

LIIAR analysis of a college magazine

Here I am analyzing the front cover of the magazine 'Secondary teachers.' This type of magazine is for professional use of teachers and sometimes students. The magazine aims to be represented in a simple way but at the same time one that will appeal to its target audience to be inspiring and useful. 
The first thing that you notice from this magzine is the fact that the front cover continues onto the back cover. This effect is very intriguing and different for the readers. I think that this effect works very well with the concept of this magazine, which is "Do boys and girls learn differently?" The effect of having a boy on the front on one page and a girl on the other reflects the article very well.

The masthead is in a big and bold text which stands out straight away to the readers, however "teachers" is in smaller writing and this is also the target audience. The colours could be suggested to be quite boy like but the rest of the cover suggests that boys and girls are equal.
The models on the front/back page are one of the first things you notice and they are both shown quite differently. The pose of the girl is quite reserved which contrasts to the boy as he looks quite lively and this maybe portrays him as an outspoken and enthusiastic person. However, the girl looks reserved and looks like she could be a little less comfortable than the boy being outspoken and enthusiastic.   

The article headings also relfect the purpose of the article. The colours are very generic, pink for the girl and blue for the boy, which could maybe suggest differences or a divide between the genders. But, they both use the same simple font and read "Do boys and girls learn differently?" Underneath this it reads "and can your teaching redress the balance?" These are both rhetorical questions with the answer to them both being yes. However, it is wanting to provoke thought by still using question marks.

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