Friday 17 December 2010

Planning and Idea Development - Colour Schemes

The colour scheme I have chosen is quite dark and deep. I think these chosen colours will suit my magazine and the genre I am focusing on as I want my magazine to look quite vintage and mature, so using fluorescent colours would be unsuitable. I think I will use the navy and the maroon as the dominant colours on my front cover and add aspects of the other colours for smaller stories or articles featured on the cover.

Wednesday 15 December 2010

Planning and Idea Development - Font Ideas

Planning and Idea Development - Naming My Magazine

Having decided my genre and audience I decided to think of names for my magazine. I wanted something that is memorable and simple. To get some names ideas I went through my iPod to gain inspiration from song titles or artists that are already known and that I am familiar with. I also used online dictionaries and thesaurus to develop and perhaps expand on names that I particularly liked.

  • Aftershow
I like this idea as it fits in with the idea music and I think that it would make people think of an aftershow after a gig or something. It it short and simple and I think it would be really good for a magazine title. I also think it is suitable for my chosen genre of music, indie.

  • Flux
I like this possibility as it is not a very common word and I think it makes quite a statement. I was not too sure what this word meant, but as I liked the idea of it I looked it up and found that it meant "a flowing or a flow." This also made me realise that it is very suitable for a music magazine as it could suggest the music "flows". I really like this idea as it is very abrupt and memorable.

  • Matchbox
I think this idea is quite different as it doesn't directly relate to music but I do think it suits the kind of magazine I would like to produce. "Matchbox" kind of relates to someone who smokes, and could loosely tie in with festivals as people usually smoke and drink at them. If the link to festivals can be seen then it would be great for my magazine title as festivals relate to the genre of music I am basing my magazine on.

Planning and Idea Development - My Chosen Genre

The genre I have chosen for my magazine is indie/rock/alternative. I want my magazine to be the same style as the NME as I believe that the indie genre of music is becoming much more popular in today's generation and society. I want my magazine to be portrayed as quite vintage and natural as that style is also becoming much more common with today's youth. The indie/rock genre also has a wide audience and particularly fits in with the target audience I have chosen of students. On top of this, I wanted to choose a genre that I am familar with so I know what things to focus on and what will appeal to my audience.

Planning and Idea Development - Price

As my target audience will be a students aged 16+ I have chosen to price my magazine at around £2.50 per week. After taking into account other weekly magazine prices such as the NME which is priced at £2.20 and Kerrang which is also priced at £2.20. I think £2.5o is a reasonable and realistic price as it is still afforadable for students who maybe don't have a well paid job. As well as this, as it is also a little big higher priced than other weekly magazines it suggets that the extra 30p is worth it. I could choose to price my magazine under the rivals at around £2, but this may suggest that it is not as good quality as the others. I have decided to publish my magazine weekly because it means there will always be something new for my target audience to catch up on and if it is weekly, it would mean having to price the magazine higher at around £5 and having a lot of content to fit into one issue.